Christian Compositions - Conservative Christian Music


Monday Musings – Lukewarm is Room Temperature

“So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.” (Rev. 3:16)

I enjoy having a cup of coffee nearby when I’m writing.  I pour myself a cup of steaming coffee, and my fingers get busy. Strangely though, if I stop and grab a drink just a few moments later, my steaming mug isn’t steaming anymore. The coffee that was almost burning my tongue five minutes ago is now just sort of hot. If I wait another ten minutes, it won’t be hot at all. The funny thing is, it isn’t exactly cold, even if it sits for a while. Unless it’s in a very cold room or car it doesn’t really get icy, it just gets lukewarm. It becomes room temperature.

I think that is a good depiction of how we become spiritually lukewarm. It’s not like we suddenly go from being on fire for God to becoming absolutely cold and hardhearted. We just gradually cool off a little at a time, almost imperceptibly, and we become “room temperature.”

God told the church at Laodicea that he preferred that they be cold or hot, but not lukewarm. Isn’t it rather astounding that God would prefer us to be cold to being lukewarm? Many times we look with disdain at those who are spiritually “cold”, who have no pretense of interest in the things of God. But we often look at those who are “hot” in the same manner. We think they are “fanatical”–too fervent, too zealous. God doesn’t feel that way. He wants us to make a decision. Be cold or hot. But don’t be somewhere in the middle.  The fence-riders are the ones who make Him “sick to His stomach”.

When we are lukewarm, we ride the fence of public opinion. We want to be religious, but not zealous. We speak of God, but do not stand for God. We may go to church, but have little compulsion to do our part to help the church move forward for God. We may have a desire to be good, but little desire to be godly. We want to be happy, but not necessarily holy. We want things to be right, but are not overly concerned with being righteous. We do not want souls to be lost, but we do little to see souls saved. We hear the preaching of the Word of God, but rarely apply the message to our own lives. We have many personal preferences, but few personal convictions. We bow to the will of popular pressure rather than submitting to the will of God. We are more concerned with cultural correctness than we are with Scriptural correctness. We are looking for acceptance from others instead of acceptance by the Lord. We are much more comfortable being “conformed” than with being “transformed”. We see the needs of others, but do not see our own spiritual needs. We are lethargic, satisfied, comfortable, and complacent.  We are content to be the same temperature as whomever we are around….not too hot, not too cold. If we are in church, we may be a little warmer; in the world, a little cooler. We don’t want to be uncomfortable, or to make others uncomfortable. We are “room temperature” – lukewarm.

The problem is that God is not pleased with lukewarmness. In Bible times, doctors gave lukewarm water to do induce vomiting. This is what God says His reaction is to lukewarm Christians. He told this church He would spue them out of His mouth. This is not figurative for losing our salvation, but is descriptive of God’s feelings for and reaction to our spiritual temperature. When we are lukewarm, we are no longer useful or appealing; instead, we are repulsive. God cannot and will not fellowship with us. He must bring rebuke and chastening into our lives in order for us to be brought to repentance, and to be restored to Him. (Rev. 3:19)

Lukewarmness is a problem – physically and spiritually. The good thing is that it is easily remedied.  Heating it back up is as simple as turning the power back on. When we become spiritually lukewarm, it is because we have “turned off the heat”. Romans 12:11 says that we are to be “fervent in spirit; serving the Lord.” God desires us to be spiritually hot. If we are no longer fervent or hot for Him, He is the answer to our problem. He says to the church in Revelation 3:18, “I counsel thee to buy of me…” and “…be zealous therefore, and repent…” (Rev. 3:19).

So, how do we turn the heat up, and become spiritually hot? (Rev. 3:18-21)

1.  Spend time in communion with the Lord

             Through the Word of God (daily reading, study, meditation, and memorization)

God’s Word is “like as a fire…” (Jer. 23:29; 20:9). The disciples on the road to Emmaus said to one another, “Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures? (Lk. 24:32).

Through prayer (Phil. 2:13)

2. Surrender our hearts to receive rebuke and repent (Rev. 3:19)

3. Be Spirit-filled (Acts 2:3-4)

Living a life that is surrendered to the Spirit of God and obedient to Him will produce fire and fervency.

4. Seek to please God above all else (Ps. 73:25; Deut. 6:5; Mt. 22:37)

5.  Surround ourselves with spiritual (hot) influences

           Christian companions, Christian activities, biographies of great Christians, etc. are influences that can help fan the flame in our lives.  We should avoid “chilling” influences, and develop fervent influences and friendships.

If we will do these five things, we can be assured that our hearts will stay at the right spiritual temperature. We must check ourselves often. Lukewarmness is easily obtained; it simply comes from doing nothing. Keeping a fervent heat requires desire and diligence, but is well worth the effort! May we encourage one another to stay on fire for the Lord!!!

This is an excerpt from a Bible study I did for a ladies fellowship.  If you would like to have the entire study for personal use, or to use in a class setting, you can download it here free of charge.  The download will include a PDF of the full Bible study.  Feel free to share this, and use for yourself or your ministry.  I do ask that you do not republish or reprint for personal gain.  Please refer people to this link if they would like the download.   Thank you!


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Are You Shining for Jesus?

Frances Ridley Havergal is one of my favorite authors, not only of hymns, but of devotionals as well.  Her writing is full of Scripture, and her testimony of coming to assurance of salvation, and full surrender of herself to Christ, is both beautiful and inspiring.

The following is one of her poems, which brings to my mind the words of Christ, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” (Mt. 5:16) I hope to allow her question to penetrate my heart.  I pray that it will be a constant reminder of the power and purpose of a godly life, and that it will challenge and encourage you today!



Are you shining for Jesus, dear one? You have given your heart to Him;
But is the light strong within it, Or is it but pale and dim?
Can everybody see it? — That Jesus is all to you?
That your love to Him is burning with radiance warm and true?
Is the seal upon your forehead, so that it must be known
That you are “all for Jesus,” — that your heart is all His own?
Are you shining for Jesus, dear one?  You remember the first sweet ray,
When the sun arose upon you, and brought the gladsome day;
When you heard the gospel message, and Jesus Himself drew near,
And helped you to trust Him simply, and took away your fear:
When the darkness and the shadows fled like a weary night,
And you felt that you could praise Him, and everything seemed bright.
Are you shining for Jesus, dear one, so that the holy light
May enter the hearts of others, and make them glad and bright?
Have you spoken a word for Jesus, and told to some around,
Who do not care about Him, what a Savior you have found?
Have you lifted the lamp for others, that has guided your own glad feet?
Have you echoed the loving message, that seemed to you so sweet?
Are you shining for Jesus, dear one, shining for Him all day?
Letting the light burn always along the varied way?
Always–when those beside you are walking in the dark?
Always,–when no one is helping, or heeding your tiny spark?
Not idly letting it flicker in every passing breeze
Of pleasure or temptation, of trouble or of ease?
Are you shining for Jesus, dear one, shining just everywhere,
Not only in easy places, not only just here or there?
Shining in happy gatherings, where all are loved and known?
Shining where all are strangers? shining when quite alone?
Shining at home, and making true sunshine all around?
Shining abroad, and faithful—perhaps among faithless–found?
Are you shining for Jesus, dear one, not for yourself at all?
Not because dear ones, watching, would grieve if your lamp should fall?
Shining because you are walking in the Sun’s unclouded rays,
And you cannot help reflecting the Light on which you gaze?
Shining because it shineth so warm and bright above,
That you must let out the gladness, and you must show forth the love?
Are you shining for Jesus, dear one? or is there a little sigh
That the lamp His love had lighted does not burn clear and high?
Is the heavenly crown that waits you, still, still without a star,
Because your light was hidden, and sent no rays afar?
Do you feel you have not loved Him with a love right brave and loyal,
But have faintly fought and followed His banner bright and royal?
Oh, come again to Jesus! Come as you came at first,
And tell Him all that hinders, and tell Him all the worst;
And take His sweet forgiveness as you took it once before,
And hear His kind voice saying, “Peace!  go, and sin no more!”
Then ask for grace and courage His name to glorify
That never more His precious light your dimness may deny.
Then rise, and “watching daily,” ask Him your lamp to trim
With the fresh oil He giveth, that it may not burn dim.
Yes, rise and shine for Jesus! Be brave, and bright, and true
To the true and loving Savior, who gave Himself for you.
Oh, shine for Jesus, dear one, and henceforth be your way
Bright with the light that shineth unto the perfect day!
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We Have Forgotten



Another anniversary of 9/11 will soon pass, and fade into our memories. As I think about 9/11, I believe it is important that we do not forget. It is right and needful that we remember the terrible events of 9/11/01, and 9/11/12. It is our duty as Americans to remember the tragedy, to call to mind the lives that were lost, the heroic sacrifices of those who sought to protect and preserve the lives of others on those days, as well as those who have since given their service and their lives for our country. The graphic images that are imprinted on our minds, the weight of grief, the anger of injustice, the outrage over the murder of innocents–all these need to be remembered.

However, I fear that the danger of our great nation is not that we might forget these events in our history, or the emotions we felt.  The danger is that we have already forgotten the Giver of our history.  We have forgotten God.

We are quick to speak His name in the midst of tragedy, whether it be to assign blame or ask for blessing.  We may speak of Him in passing; but, as a nation, we have written Him out of our remembrance. We have failed to give Him credit or praise for our past successes, and we fail to look to Him as the solution to our present crises.  We do not wish to be reminded of the demands of His righteousness, the certainty of His truth, the unchanging nature of His character, or the absolute morality of His laws.  Far from being the “Christian nation” we once were, we now mock, sometimes prosecute, and dare I say, will soon persecute those who truly seek to proclaim the Gospel, and live the Bible.

As much as I love America, as thankful as I am for our great heritage, I fear for my land. Unless we turn our hearts to truth, we are bound to lose our liberty, for only the truth can make us free.

The solution to our problems is not found in political change, military strength, social engineering, or economic recovery.  It is only found in Jesus Christ, and His Gospel – in true repentance for sin, in turning to God, and in trusting the finished work of Christ alone for forgiveness and transformation.  Only light can dispel darkness, and Jesus Christ is the only True Light.

Until we are willing to humbly seek His face, and turn from our wicked ways, then no true hope is available for our nation.  “The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.” (Ps. 9:17) “Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.” (Pro. 14:34)

Just as national issues eventually affect each of us personally, so our personal choices eventually affect our nation.  A nation is no greater than its individual citizens.  While I may not be able to change the course of my nation alone, I can choose to be certain that I am on the right course.  I can choose to humble myself, to confess my sin, and to seek to be right with God.  I can attempt to be a godly influence on my family, my friends, and my community.  I can choose to share the Gospel.  I can seek to be a good citizen, first of the kingdom of God, then of the United States of America.

I can choose not to forget.

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31 Qualities of a Faithful Father

Yesterday was Father’s Day, and throughout the entire weekend I thought a lot about my dad, my grandfathers, my father-in-law, and my husband.  I am very blessed to have so many good men in my life.  As I thought especially about my dad, I began to think about the many qualities I appreciate about him, and the many ways he has influenced my life.

Last night, I decided to write them down, and to share them.  My dad has never been one to seek the spotlight, and I hope he won’t be embarrassed that I am sharing these thoughts in a public way, but I want him and others to know how highly I regard him, and how thankful to God I am for him.

Men of the quality and character he possesses seem to be fewer each day.  I am blessed to not only have a father who is this kind of man, but to have a husband who is as well.  I pray that perhaps these thoughts will encourage a dad out there to continue to be a godly father, and to perhaps challenge a young man to aspire to be this kind of dad someday.  And I hope that if you have a godly dad, a faithful father, that you will never take him for granted.  Those of us who have a godly father are blessed indeed! “Most men will proclaim every one his own goodness: but a faithful man who can find?”  (Pro. 20:6)  Honor him.  Love him.  Encourage him.  Pray for him.

Here are the top 31 ways my dad has been a faithful father to me:

My dad…

….led me to my heavenly Father.

….has loved and been faithful to my mother for over 40 years.

….taught me to fear God.

…..was far more concerned about meeting my needs than my wants.

…..took the time to listen – to my prattle, and poems, and dreams, and questions, and frustrations, and fears.

…..modeled for me the type of man I wanted to marry.

….has always told me the truth, even when I didn’t want to hear it.

….taught me that maturity is taking responsibility for your own actions.

….told me that I did not need to be like anyone else to make him happy, just follow the Lord, and be the person God made me to be.

….made me feel beautiful on the outside, but taught me that true beauty comes from the inside.

….taught me to keep my eyes and heart and confidence fixed firmly on what is unchanging, the Lord Jesus Christ and His Word. 

…..has always put himself last in order to put the Lord and his family first.

….taught me the value of being able to stand alone for what is right.

…..told me that he believed I could accomplish anything I wanted, but reminded me that the only thing worth accomplishing is the will of God.

…..has never made decisions based on a desire to be popular, or on the whims or emotions of the moment, but has lived his life by the principles and precepts of God’s Word.

….has been a faithful preacher of the Gospel, not “blown about by every wind of doctrine.”

…..sacrificed his dreams so I could fulfill mine.

…..encouraged me to have tough skin and a tender heart.

….always made me feel safe.

…..reminded me often to stop “beating around the bush”, because plain speech is easily understood.

….has faced good times and bad, faithful friends and fickle ones, heartaches and joys, successes and scars, victories and defeats, blessings and betrayals, with the same steadfast determination to trust in the Lord, and follow Him, no matter the cost.

….loved me enough to refuse to excuse, condone, or be a part of my sin, when I was foolish enough to go against the truth he had taught me.

….was always willing to forgive when I was willing to repent.

…..has never counseled me to do evil, and has always counseled me to do good.

….has always worked hard to provide for his family; but never chased money or “success”, even in ministry, to the neglect of his family.

….taught me to love and study the Word of God.

….is one of the wisest men I know.

….isn’t a perfect dad, but has always been a good and godly dad.

…is never hasty to make decisions, but has never hesitated to follow God’s leading.

….taught me that saving has more value than spending, but that giving has more value than getting.

….is a man of integrity.

“The just man walketh in his integrity:  his children are blessed after him.”  (Pro. 20:7)

“The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places; yea, I have a goodly heritage.” (Ps. 16:6)

“For thou, O God, hast heard my vows: thou hast given me the heritage of those that fear thy name.” (Ps. 61:5)

I love you, Dad.

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The Beauty of Adoption

June 11th is a special day in our family.  A banner day, actually.  It is the anniversary of the adoption hearing that finalized the placement of our first child into our family.  As I’m sure you realize, this was only a formality.  She was our child from the moment we laid eyes on her, and truly even before that.

Today is the fifth anniversary of that finalization, and we recently celebrated the fourth “adoption day” of our son, Evan.  How precious these days are to me!  As I was thinking back today, I remembered something that I wrote just a few short weeks after Halle’s adoption day, and I want to share it with you.

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Adoption is such a beautiful thing.  I am grateful beyond words for the children that God has placed into my heart and home.  I pray that they will always know how deeply loved they are, and that their story is not only wonderful in itself, but that it is a lovely and precious reflection of the love of their heavenly Father.

Below are the thoughts I wrote about that special day five years ago….

I have been wanting to sit and write my thoughts ever since Halle’s adoption was finalized. What a precious day that was! June 11 will always be a momentous day in our family history. There is really not time to write all the details of Halle’s story….the way the Lord brought her to us, the way He provided each need we had along the way, the seeming roadblocks in the process to finalization, and finally the fulfillment of the legal aspect of our adoption journey 19 months after we began. 

We chose Halle’s name because one of the meanings is “unexpected gift.” Her coming to us happened so quickly, at least we only knew about her for a few weeks before her arrival. But the wait before that seemed very long….11 years of waiting, praying, wondering, questioning. The roller coaster of hope and disappointment is hard to describe to those who have never been there. But God was so faithful to us and so patient with us through each day. God had a plan all along. I often think of the verse, “Hope deferred maketh the heart sick, but when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life.” 


Halle’s adoption hearing was such a special time. Brian’s family was able to come – his mom and dad, four aunts, an uncle, and his cousin and his family. It was so sweet of them to take off work and make the trip to Pittsburgh to share in our special day. My family all lives too far away, but we know that they were with us in heart.


Our attorney was a Christian, and what a blessing that was. He had told us that each of us (Brian and I) would be asked to take the stand and testify. He said that he would ask us questions regarding the permanence of the adoption and our understanding of that, and of our responsibilities as Halle’s parents. 


Brian went first. I sat there, holding Halle, looking at Brian, then at our family sitting behind us, then at Halle, and was just amazed at the goodness of God in placing such a precious gift in our family. Then it was my turn to take the stand. The attorney began to ask his questions, and as I answered, I began to feel overwhelmed, not just by the emotion of finalizing Halle’s place in our family, but at the beautiful picture of how God placed me in His family. I do not have the attorney’s questions word for word, but I am going to try to remember them the best I can and share them with you. If you know the Lord, I hope that you will be just as moved as I was as you are reminded of what God has done for you. 

The attorney asked, 

“Do you realize that by consenting to this adoption, you are acknowledging that you have chosen this child to be your own?” 


“Do you realize that according to law, that means she is your child permanently, and that this decree is irrevocable?” 

“Do you understand that irrevocable means that this cannot be changed?” 

“Do you understand that Halle is being removed from the bloodline of her natural family, and is being placed into the bloodline of your family?” 


“Do you understand that this means that she is your legal heir, and is entitled to all the rights of that position?” 

“Do you understand that you are responsible for her care and keeping?” 

I know that there were more questions, but these particular questions and my answers kept resounding in my mind. I learned that, legally, the bond with an adopted child is stronger even than that of a biological child because you have deliberately chosen this child. You cannot just “change your mind.” 

What a joy it is to us to have Halle! She is my daughter, born of and in my heart. The certainty and joy I felt in answering each of these questions “yes” cannot be described. 


How much more is it a wondrous thing that God has chosen me to be His child! I have been removed from my “natural” bloodline, and have placed into the family of God by the blood of His Son. I am an heir of God, and joint-heir with Christ. He is responsible for my care, and He will never leave me nor forsake me. His commitment to me is not based on my love for Him, or obedience to Him, but on His choice to obligate Himself to me. My placement into His family is irrevocable. How beautiful! How precious! How humbling! I praise Him for His love for me in placing me in His family, and I thank and praise Him for placing Halle in our family. 


I am so grateful to every person who has prayed for us so faithfully. You have a huge part in our rejoicing. Please continue to keep us in your prayers. It seems that God may add to our family again by adoption.  Please pray for the Lord’s will regarding this, and that He will work out the details for His glory.”

To update our story, just a few short weeks after I penned this in 2009, God answered our prayers, and our precious Evan Michael was born.


His name, Evan, means, “God is gracious, or gift of God”.  How fitting for our little man!


In March of 2010, with 22 members of our family, we celebrated his adoption day.

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And although we take the time to make this anniversary special for our children, in our hearts, my husband and I celebrate the gifts of our children every day.  I am so thankful that God has chosen to place me into His family, and that He has chosen to place Halle and Evan into our family.

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If you have never been born again into the family of God, He has already chosen you, and would love to receive you.  John 1:12 says, “But as many as received him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name.”  If you would like to know more about becoming a child of God, you can read all about God’s simple plan of salvation here:  Feel free to contact me if you have questions.  If you choose to trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, and become a part of God’s family, I would love to hear from you!

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A Broken, Contrite Heart


come to You, O Lord, to bring

A sacrifice, a broken thing,

Not fit to offer to a king.


No costly treasure I have bought,

No noble deeds that I have wrought,

Just ruined pieces have I brought.


This object that to You I’ve borne

Is viewed by most with mocking scorn,

Though some may pity as I mourn.


‘Tis filled with naught but guilt and fears,

‘Tis salted well with bitter tears

And cries meant only for Your ears.


It’s sullied with the stains of sin,

Damaged by the hurts of men,

Shattered bits of what has been.


All earthly monarchs would reject

As undeserving of respect;

And yet, my Lord, you will accept


This gift, in which I cannot boast.

Perhaps ‘twill glorify You most,

For to Your feet it brings me close.


For pardon I do now implore,

Create, renew, uphold, restore,

The joy and peace I had before.


For You can cleanse the sinful soul,

And You can make the wounded whole,

And You alone my griefs console.


Though guilty You have never been,

Yet You have known the pain of sin,

And You have been reviled by men.


And so I lay, with downcast eyes,

My crushed and bleeding worthless prize,

And know, O God, You’ll not despise


A broken, contrite heart.

 ©Niki Lott 2014.

You can hear the music here:

“The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise.” (Ps. 51:17)

“He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds.”  (Ps. 147:3)

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New Song – One Moment In Eternity


When I was a teenager, beginning to make decisions, I remember my mom saying to me, “How important will this be when you stand before the Lord, one moment in eternity?”  I remember occasionally feeling annoyed by this reminder, especially when I knew down deep that what the choice I was making based a lot more on what I wanted, than on what God wanted for me.  However, that thought has helped me so many times; and sadly, forgetting or ignoring that perspective has caused me and others grief more times than I like to admit.

Solomon said, “Rejoice, O young man, in thy youth; and let thy heart cheer thee in the days of thy youth, and walk in the ways of thine heart, and in the sight of thine eyes: but know thou, that for all these things God will bring thee into judgment.” (Eccl. 11:9)  We are reminded in Romans, “So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God.” (Rom. 14:12)  And Jesus Himself told us in Matthew 12:36, ” But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.”

It is so easy to make daily decisions based on our desires, emotions, and plans, and never stop to think of what the Bible says, or what God thinks.  And lest we think that God is not concerned, we need to be reminded that we will give account, not only for our deeds, but for our thoughts and words.  And while those of us who are saved know that our sins are forgiven, we cannot forget that, “…we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.”  (II Cor. 5:10)

How often is our first thought in making a decision, “What will so-and-so think?” instead of “What will God think?”  Or perhaps we think, “What will this decision cost me?”, instead of thinking, “What did my sin cost Him?”  Even worse, our greatest consideration is often, “Will this make me happy?” rather than, “Will this please my heavenly Father?”

Let me be clear, the message of this post, and of this song, is for those who have already trusted Christ as Savior.  If you have not asked God’s forgiveness for your sins, and accepted the payment of Christ as your only means of salvation, I beg you to make that decision today.  In eternity, nothing else will matter if you have not received Christ.

However, for those of us who are forgiven, it is important to be reminded that our choices, our daily walk, must be viewed in light of eternity.  For good or evil, our lives affect the cause of Christ, as well as the lives and eternal destinies of those around us.  We are to be ambassadors for Christ.  His will and purpose for us should be a priority in everything we do.

One of Satan’s greatest tools is distraction, and he is skilled at getting us to focus only on the immediate, at the expense of the eternal.

This is not necessarily a “happy”, feel-good song, but I pray that the thought it conveys will encourage us to “…have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear:”. (Heb. 12:28)

You can watch the YouTube video here:  One Moment In Eternity

One Moment In Eternity

I stand here at decision’s door, and wonder what to choose,

I think of what I wish to gain, And what I stand to lose.

My flesh longs to be satisfied, It yearns for ease and fame,

The Spirit whispers, “Die to self, And glorify His name.”

One moment in eternity, what difference will it make?
Decisions that I make today, The path I choose to take?
Will I be filled with joy or shame when at His feet I bow?
One moment in eternity, I’ll wish I had loved Him now.

There are so many dreams and plans that I want to fulfill,

Is it too great a sacrifice to yield them to His will?

Eternity seems far away while I enjoy my sin,

But pleasure’s season soon will pass, and where will I be then?

One moment in eternity, what difference will it make?
Decisions that I make today, The path I choose to take?
Will I be filled with joy or shame when at His feet I bow?
One moment in eternity, I’ll wish I had loved Him now.

If I reject the world’s demands, They’ll say that I’m a fool,

If I submit my stubborn will, and let the Lord have rule.

If I decide that by His grace His Word I will obey,

If I will let the fear of God direct me in His way.

One moment in eternity, what difference will it make?
Decisions that I make today, The path I choose to take?
If I can hear Him say, “Well done,” when at His feet I bow,
One moment in eternity, I’ll be glad that I loved Him now.

©Niki Lott



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Do You Stink As a Musician?

Кофе Рояль

I am sure you already know that I am a music lover.  As I mentioned in my last post, I am also a coffee lover.  And before I ever want to taste the coffee, I want to smell it.  I LOVE the aroma of fresh coffee.  I think it is fascinating that coffee is often described as having “notes” or “tones”. These descriptive terms are used to try to help us understand the aromas and flavors of the coffee roasts we choose. I went on a coffee website ( to see what some of their descriptions were. Here are just a few…..”high, lemongrass notes”, “subtle floral aroma”, “sweet, spicy, and berry notes”, “smoky, berry notes”.

Personally, I tend to prefer medium or dark roasts.  I especially enjoy those that are described as smoky, nutty, or spicy tones. I don’t usually like the ones that are considered to have fruity or citrus notes.

Music is made up of notes and tones, but they are more than just sounds on a musical scale. Music can and does express attitudes and feelings.

I would like to think about the aromas and attitudes of our music as musicians. If you sing or play an instrument, what kind of attitude do you have about your music?

What kind of “aroma” does your music project? Is it heartfelt, or is it cold and emotionless? Is it timid, or confident? Is it Christ-centered, or audience-centered, or worse yet, self-centered? Is your music designed to bless, or to impress?

I will confess, as a pianist and a singer, I have struggled with many of these issues. I want to play and sing with confidence, and yet not be arrogant. I want to sing with emotion, but not be an actor or performer. I used to worry about my music being perceived as too “showy” or flamboyant, so I would play and sing with little emotion or feeling. That just made my music appear timid, weak, or lifeless.

I. A Note of Encouragement

There are several Scriptures that are helping me as I seek to learn how to have the right “aroma” in my music. In Colossians 3:16, the Bible states, “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.” If the Word of Christ is dwelling in me, if I have “grace in my heart” and I am singing to the Lord, my music will admonish and encourage others.

II. A Note of Excellence

Colossians 3:23 says, “And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;”. We need to sing or play “heartily”. Put your heart into it! Don’t do it for people; do it for the Lord. When I worry too much about what people think, instead of what the Lord thinks, my music reflects that. Ecclesiastes 9:10 says, “Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might….” Give your best to the Lord!

If I am to give my best, I must be willing to work to develop my skills. Again, this is not to impress others, but so that we may offer our best to Christ. Psalm 33:3 says, “Sing unto him a new song; play skilfully with a loud noise.” If I have not practiced a song much, and am not confident that I can play (or sing) skilfully, I tend to play timidly. Most of us won’t play with strength, and “a loud noise”, if we have not worked to be skillful.

III. A Note of Expression

One of the hardest things for me is singing with feeling. Part of this is because I get so nervous. The other part is because I worry too much about what people think (which is probably why I get so nervous!). “The fear of man bringeth a snare…” (Pro. 29:25). Music is a very expressive thing. We shouldn’t inject emotion just to impress others, but if we are singing with our hearts, then we must learn to express the feelings we are singing about. If I am singing about the joy of the Lord, and sing with a blank expression, and an unemotional voice, then I am sending a mixed message. The Psalms are filled with the emotions of David. “My lips shall greatly rejoice when I sing unto thee; and my soul, which thou hast redeemed.”(Ps. 71:23). He speaks over and over about singing praise to the Lord, singing with joy to the Lord. Many of the Psalms begin with David describing feelings of discouragement and despair, but end with His assurance that the Lord is with him and will meet all of his needs. When we sing (or play) songs of faith, we should do so with assurance. When we sing of the love of God, we should show the love of the Lord in our hearts.

IV. A Note of Earnestness

The most important part of this is to allow the Holy Spirit to work in and through you. Keep your focus on pleasing the Lord, not people.  Ask the Lord to help you.

Choose songs that are true to what you believe in, and that you can sing with honesty and sincerity in a heartfelt way. “…serve Him in sincerity and in truth…”  (Josh. 24:14). If I am going to sing “I Surrender All” and I am in rebellion to the Lord, then I cannot sing honestly to the Lord. The solution here would not be to choose a different song, but to get my heart in tune with the Lord.

So what are the “note”-able scents in your music?  Does the “aroma” you project match the message you are seeking to convey?  Do people perceive the attitudes and overtones of your music to be sincere, sweet, and Spirit-filled? More importantly, how does the Lord perceive my aroma?  Is it sweet-smelling to Him, or does it stink?

If our attitudes need some work, let’s ask the Lord to change our hearts, and give us an aroma that would be pleasing and honoring to Him, and that will be edifying to His people.

“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.”  (Col. 3:16)

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Musical Nutrition – Pep or Power?

Кофе Рояль

I love a good cup of coffee…almost as much as I love music!  If you’re not a coffee drinker, please don’t stop reading!  If you are a coffee drinker, I’m going to share one more relatively unimportant fact about myself.  I don’t know about you, but I’m not a big fan of decaf coffee. I don’t like the taste, and I also don’t like the lack of caffeine. Granted, I probably don’t need as much caffeine as I consume, but I do like the boost of energy it gives me, especially in the morning.

However, the truth is, one cannot live on caffeine alone. While it will give you a temporary “pep in your step”, it fades after awhile. There is really no nutritional value in coffee (it really hurts me to say that!). Thankfully, there aren’t any calories either (unless you load it with cream and sugar).

We need nutrition if we want more than just pep. It’s okay to start the morning with a cup of coffee, but you’ll feel much better throughout the day if you follow that coffee with a healthy breakfast (not the bagel or donut that tastes so good with that mug of hot stuff). We need good, solid food that will provide our bodies with the nutrients we need to function. If we are going to have the strength for the day, we need to make sure that we’re feeding our bodies the proper things. However, many times, instead of eating something nutritious when we begin to feel weak or tired, we just go back to the coffeepot for another temporary jolt of energy.

Another admission I don’t like to make is that coffee can be addictive (ouch!). It doesn’t have to be, but it can be. If we are dependent on it, instead of something more healthy, then we need to be careful and maybe think about how wise (or unwise) this is.

I would like to apply these thoughts to the music we ingest. Music is one of my favorite things in the world. I love to listen to it, and I love to participate in it. I love to sing and play the piano, but I have learned that music is an amazing force. As a Christian, I need to examine the music I am listening to. First and foremost, I must ask myself if it is pleasing to Christ in every aspect. I think, with this in my mind, we could ask ourselves if we are listening to the music we listen to because we desire pep or power?

Many people, even in Christian circles, are feeding their minds and hearts with music that may give them a temporary “boost” of energy or emotion, but has no spiritual nutritional value. In fact, it may even be detrimental to their walk with the Lord. However, instead of choosing to feed on something more healthy and sustaining, they just “drink more” to get that next jolt.

God desires that we speak to ourselves “in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your hearts to the Lord.” (Eph. 5:19). Godly music will sustain us spiritually throughout our days, and even through the night (Ps. 77:6; Job 35:10).

So let’s examine our music. Is it just for “pep” or will it give us spiritual power?

Examine Its Appeal

Does the music you’re listening to primarily appeal to your flesh or to your spirit? Does it make you want to dance or does it make you feel more devoted to God? Does it appeal solely to you on an emotional level, or does it encourage you to take spiritual action? Does it appeal to you solely on a physical level, because you like the way it sounds, or does it feed your spirit? Can you sing this music “in your hearts to the Lord?” If my music is appealing to the sensual rather than the spiritual, I need to change my heart, and then change my music.

Examine Its Associations

What kind of people (in general) listen to the music you enjoy? Is it the kind of music you are comfortable talking about at church? What about to your pastor? What about to someone who you consider to be a spiritual role model? Most importantly, what about Christ? Would you change your radio station, your ipod playlist, or your CD if Jesus got in your car, or put on your headphones?

What kind of people sing the music you’re listening to? Are they associated with the world or with the Lord? What kind of people are associated with the genre of music you enjoy? Are they godly people? Let me say here that much of so-called Christian music is far more worldly in its associations than it is with Christ. If it sounds like the world, and looks like the world, it is the world.

Examine Its Attitude

All music has an “attitude” and will compel an attitude in the listener, whether the listener is conscious of that or not. Some music is very calming, while other music is energizing. Some music is very depressing, while other music may be uplifting. Music can have attitudes and overtones of rebellion, lust, anger, depression, or it can have attitudes of love, joy, peace, and worship. It should not have both at the same time. That is what much of contemporary Christian music pretends to do. They claim to have spiritual lyrics with carnal music. The messages are conflicting and confusing. “God is not the author of confusion.…” (I Cor. 14:33). If the words of the music are telling me to be surrendered to God, and the music is telling me to serve my flesh, there is a battle and conflict in every beat of that song. There is nothing spiritual about that, no matter what the label may say.

What attitudes does your music produce in you? Does it make you desire to do more to Christ? Does it make you honor Him? Does it draw your mind and your heart to reverence His holiness? Does it challenge you to live a godly life? Does it encourage you to go out and serve Him with all your heart?

Examine Its Addiction

I mentioned that coffee can be addictive. Music is one of the most addictive things I know of. If you have always listened to a certain type of music, particularly worldly music, the prospect of not listening to it anymore can make you feel absolutely hostile. I’ve heard people say, “I just can’t live without my music.” Isn’t it amazing that it can have that kind of power over us?

Let me ask you, what kind of music are you “into”? Could you stop listening to it tomorrow? Have you given your music to the Lord? I think that an interesting verse regarding this aspect is found in I Corinthians 6:12, “All things are lawful unto me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any.” This does not mean that any action or activity is permissible for me as a Christian. That is clear from the previous verses. I do believe that it means that even those things that are “lawful for me”, that are not clearly forbidden, are not to control me. We are to be under the power of the Spirit of Christ.

Examine Its Agenda

All music, good or bad, has an agenda. It has a message that it seeks to convey, and a purpose it seeks to fulfill. Even without words, music conveys messages. I already addressed that a little bit when discussing the attitude of music. If you listened to your music without the words, would someone automatically assume that it was Christian or secular?

I write music, and one of the things that I seek to do is to get my point across in a song. I start with a thought that I wish to convey. I then work to find the right words to articulate that thought in a clear way. I then seek to write music that matches the overall message of the words. Is it a meditative, contemplative song? Then I would not seek to match it with up-tempo, bright music. Is it a song of glad testimony for what God has performed in my life? Then the brighter music would suit it better. Some songs are more subtle in their message, while others are very forthright. But never forget, every song has an agenda.

Again, if the message, or agenda, of the words does not match the message of the music then its overall message is one of confusion and rebellion. The Bible says that the same fountain should not produce sweet water and bitter (Jas. 3:10-12). This is also true of our music. It should not be sending mixed messages.

What “agenda” does your music promote? Is it a godly, spiritual one, or a worldly, carnal one?
Let me conclude by saying that there is nothing wrong with music that is lively, “peppy”, or stirring. The Bible says that we are to make a joyful noise. I think of songs like “Saved,! Saved!”, “Power in the Blood”, and “Jesus Is Coming Again”. These are stirring, exciting songs. However, they are also songs with spiritual meat, and without a secular, driving beat.

The “pep” factor should also not be the sole qualification we seek in our music. Some people refuse to listen to a slower song. They don’t like “church music” because it is too slow, or too “old-fashioned”. Just as we need a balanced physical diet, we need a balanced musical diet. We need songs that encourage us, motivate us, and bring us joy. We also need songs that inspire us to be prayerful, repentant, and in awe of the majesty of God. We do not need spiritual “junk food”, music that sounds spiritual, but is really all sugar, and no substance. It is spiritual “cotton candy”. We also do not need the poison of the world’s music.

All music has power. The question should be, is it empowering my old nature or my new nature? Does my music appeal to me simply at a physical level, or does it appeal to my spirit? Is it giving me temporary “pep” or long-term “power”? How balanced is your musical diet?

(Originally posted at:

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Another Year Is Dawning

This hymn was written by one of my favorite writers of all time, Frances Ridley Havergal.  The lyrics are a beautiful prayer for a coming year.  I hope that it will be a blessing and inspiration to you, as it has been to me.


Another year is dawning, dear Father, let it be
In working or in waiting, another year with Thee.
Another year of progress, another year of praise,
Another year of proving Thy presence all the days.

Another year of mercies, of faithfulness and grace,
Another year of gladness in the shining of Thy face;
Another year of leaning upon Thy loving breast;
Another year of trusting, of quiet, happy rest.

Another year of service, of witness for Thy love,
Another year of training for holier work above.
Another year is dawning, dear Father, let it be
On earth, or else in Heaven, another year for Thee.

-F.R.H, 1874

May God bless you as you live for Him in 2014!




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