Christian Compositions - Conservative Christian Music


Featured Song – “There Is a Peace That Cometh After Sorrow”

Most of the lyrics to this song were written in 1897 by Jessie Rose Gates. I first heard these beautiful words in the testimony of missionary Darlene Deibler Rose. If you have never read her book, Evidence Not Seen, or heard her testimony, I encourage you to do so.

The beautiful words to this song made such an impression on me that I decided a few years ago to try to set them to music. In order to fit the melody, some additional lyrics were needed, so I wrote and added the last “There is a peace…” stanza.

I hope this song will comfort and encourage the hearts of many who may have experienced sorrow, and that they too will find the peace that only comes from knowing and trusting the Lord Jesus Christ.

Find this song on your favorite streaming site, or purchase the How Can I Sing? CD & book at ChristianCompositions.

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Featured Song – Revive Me, Lord

This song began with just a few lines that I jotted down in a sermon notebook.

“Revive me, Lord. Stir my heart anew.
Revive me, Lord. Make me more like You.
Reveal my sin. Restore my joy. Refine me with your fire.
And revive me, Lord, this is my desire.”

I worked on it for a little while, but then set it aside. I came across it a couple years later while going back through old journals. I got it back out and began to work on the verses again. This time, both the words and the melody seemed to come more easily.

The first verse is taken from Psalm 51:

“I come before You now to make confession,
Imploring that Your mercy You’ll extend.
For humbly I acknowledge my transgression.
Against Thee, and Thee only, have I sinned.”

The second verse deals with the danger of being busy in “spiritual” activities but neglecting our time with the Lord. The story of Mary and Martha was in my mind as I was writing:

“It’s easy to get busy in Your service,
And neglect to sit and worship at Your feet.
Remind me that Your glory is my purpose.
Draw night to me as I draw nigh to Thee.”

There are many times in my life when I need reviving, and I am certain these are true for others as well. Sometimes, we need revival because we have allowed sin to creep into our lives. Other times, it’s because we have become so “busy” that we have allowed coldness and apathy to settle in. Sometimes, we need reviving because we are weary or fainthearted from spiritual battle.

Whatever the cause, I am thankful that we serve the Lord of life who wants us to have life more abundantly. Can you pray this prayer with me?

“Revive me, Lord. Stir my heart anew.
Revive me, Lord. Make me more like You.
Reveal my sin. Restore my joy. Refine me with Your fire.
And revive me, Lord, this is my desire.”

©Copyright 2004 Niki Lott.

This song is found on the How Can I Sing? CD and in the companion book, available separately or as a package. The sheet music can also be purchased individually in printed or PDF download formats.

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Featured Song – “Follow Their Faith”

I am very blessed to be the wife of a pastor, the daughter of a missionary, the sister of a missionary pastor, and the granddaughter of a missionary. As a rather astonished man once told me when I shared how many preacher relatives I had, “Lady, that’s a whole lotta church!” It is far more than a lot of church. It is a beautiful spiritual heritage, one that has helped to make me the person I am today.

October is “Pastor Appreciation Month.” I am thankful that someone has designated a special time for remembering our pastors And spiritual leaders, but I am reminded that the Bible does not limit us to appreciating them only once a year. In fact, it encourages us to remember them, honor them, obey them, and follow them as they follow Christ.

The song that I am sharing now is one that I wrote several years ago to honor my grandpa, Missionary Bob Adams. There is not enough space here for me to share what a man of God he was, or the depth of the impact he made on my life, so I will only share a little.

A few things that stand out in my mind about my grandpa:

🔹His love of the Lord and the Word of God

🔹His passion to tell everyone everywhere about the Gospel of Jesus Christ

🔹His love of airplanes and flying, and how he used that love to take the Bible all over the world

🔹His joyful, LOUD singing

🔹His boldness

🔹His prayers

I can hardly type these words without crying. So many memories flood my mind – of Grandpa witnessing, praying, singing, preaching, and memorizing Scripture. I don’t think that anyone who met him ever went away without knowing that he knew the Lord, and that he wanted them to know Him too. How I pray for a portion of his spirit! How I long to “follow his faith”! I have never known a more fervent Christian.

When he was around 80 years old, someone asked him about his plans. This was his response:

“I thank God for all that He’s done in all these years, and I don’t plan on quitting until I just can’t even move, and then…I’m going to go to heaven.”

What a testimony!

When I wrote this song, it was for a video tribute that was going to honor the 35th anniversary of the ministry he began, Wings Bearing Precious Seed. I wanted the song to honor him, and more than that, to honor the Lord and be faithful to the Word of God. That is what Grandpa would have wanted, and I pray that it does just that.

I am thankful for this man of God. I am also thankful for my dad, my husband, my brother, and many other faithful men of God who have invested in my life, and who continue to give the Word of God.I pray that this song will be an encouragement to many men of God to stay faithful, to know that their labor is not in vain in the Lord. I also pray that it will be a challenge to each of us to do as the Scripture commands,

Follow Their Faith

We are living in a world today that’s full of compromise,
And it is rare to find those who have served God with their lives.
So when we see a warrior who’s been in the battle long,
And we find that he’s still standing strong,

We should follow the faith of those who’ve been faithful to the Lord.
We should follow the faith of those who’ve been faithful to His Word.
We should lift up their hands. We should honor their stand.
As they finish their race, we should follow their faith.

It’s not for fame or glory that so patiently they’ve run,
But because they long to hear their Heavenly Father say, “Well done”.
A privilege we’ve been given to watch them bear His name.
Will we who come behind them do the same?

We should follow the faith of those who’ve been faithful to the Lord.
We should follow the faith of those who’ve been faithful to His Word.
We should lift up their hands. We should honor their stand.
As they finish their race, we should follow their faith.

©Copyright 2007 Niki Lott.

This song is included on the CD and in the songbook entitled, How Can I Sing?


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Featured Song – “Let the Children Come”

Several years ago, after a week of Vacation Bible School, I was challenged by Bro. Howard Caldwell (Seeing Truth Ministries) to write a song about the importance of children coming to Jesus, with a specific focus on Matthew 18. This topic is near to my heart, and I began to study and pray about writing this song.

I trusted Christ as my Savior at a church youth event when I was four years old. There was no pressure, just a simple invitation after a brief devotion. Although my parents were there, when I went forward, a lady from our church took me to a quiet place to talk to me. I knew the story of Jesus dying on the cross and rising from the dead, but that night I understood for the first time that Jesus died for me. I realized that because of my sin, Jesus had been willing to give His life. I bowed my head, in the entryway of a local skating rink, and asked Him to forgive my sins and save my soul. I am thankful that He did.

How grateful I am that I trusted Christ when I was young! I have known Him most of my life and cannot imagine how different my life would be without His constant presence.

As I grew older, I came to realize that not everyone encourages children to be saved. In fact, many believe that children cannot understand or come to Christ. This contradicts the clear teaching of the Word of God. While I firmly believe that we should be careful that children understand the Gospel, I also fervently believe that we should be actively seeking to win children to Christ. Jesus had strong words for those who sought to keep children from coming to Him, and even stronger words for those who would harm or hinder those “little ones which believe in me”.

I began to study Matthew 18, and to pray that I would be able to share the burden that was on my heart in a song. I long to see children come to Christ. I also long to see adults have a greater burden to bring children to the Lord, and to do nothing that would hinder their coming to Him.

At the same time, I was very burdened about the tragedy of abortion, and the mindset (even among many Christians) that children are a burden, not a blessing. The first verse of this song is based on thoughts from Psalm 139, and seeks to convey the truth that every child was planned by God, and is valued and loved by Him.

I encourage you to read the following verses carefully. Notice that seven times Jesus speaks of “little” children. I’m so glad Jesus loves little ones!

Matthew 18:1-14 (emphasis added)

“At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus, saying, Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?

And Jesus called a little child unto him, and set him in the midst of them,

And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.

Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me.

But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

Woe unto the world because of offences! for it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh!

Wherefore if thy hand or thy foot offend thee, cut them off, and cast them from thee: it is better for thee to enter into life halt or maimed, rather than having two hands or two feet to be cast into everlasting fire.

And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: it is better for thee to enter into life with one eye, rather than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire.

Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, That in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in heaven.

For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost.

How think ye? if a man have an hundred sheep, and one of them be gone astray, doth he not leave the ninety and nine, and goeth into the mountains, and seeketh that which is gone astray?

And if so be that he find it, verily I say unto you, he rejoiceth more of that sheep, than of the ninety and nine which went not astray.

Even so it is not the will of your Father which is in heaven, that one of these little ones should perish.”

Did you ever notice that the verse that “…the Son of man is come to save that which was lost,” and the account of the lost sheep and the Shepherd who leaves the ninety and nine to find it, are given in the context of Jesus saving little children? What a beautiful, precious truth!

Friends, the greatest mission field in the world is at our feet, and we so often overlook it, or push it to the side to reach someone “more important”. We need to win our children to Christ! We need to win our own children. We need to win the children in our communities. Jesus loves them. He died for them. Let the children come.


Seen by God before their birth then fashioned by His hand,
Each member written in His book according to His plan.
Every one a living soul, a soul for whom Christ died.
Little ones are loved by God; they’re precious in His sight.

Let them come to Jesus,
Bring them unto Him.
Gladly He’ll receive them,
Wash away their sin.
Teach them they are welcome,
Show them they are loved.
Seek them out and win them,
Let the children come.

Jesus called a little child to teach us to be great,
Example of humility, a model for our faith.
It is not the Father’s will for one to go astray.
Are we bringing them to Him or turning them away?

Let them come to Jesus,
Bring them unto Him.
Gladly He’ll receive them,
Wash away their sin.
Teach them they are welcome,
Show them they are loved.
Seek them out and win them,
Let the children come.

© 2015 Niki Lott.

 This song can be heard on the recording, How Can I Sing?The music is also available in the companion songbook, or as printed sheet music or PDF download. Be sure to look for the Book & CD package for a discount!

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Featured Song – “The Desire of My Heart”

Throughout this week and next, I want to share a little bit about each of the songs in my new songbook. Some of these are songs I wrote many years ago, and some are much more recent. As I look back, I find in each song a truth the Lord has tried to teach me, and has used to challenge, comfort, or encourage me. It is my hope that these songs will do the same for you.

This first song is one of my earliest. I wrote this when I was 17 or 18 years old, and it is still a favorite of mine.

I have loved Psalm 37:4 since I was just a little girl. When I was a teenager, I began to really consider what it meant. I was struggling with what I thought my heart desired, and what I knew God wanted for me. How could those be different? Didn’t God promise to give me my heart’s desires?

One day, it hit me that this verse didn’t mean that if I would do right God would give me whatever I wanted. Rather, it meant that if I would learn to find my delight in God, I would have my heart’s desires. When you truly love and delight in someone, you have no greater desire than to please them. I realized that if I would delight myself in the Lord, He would give me the desires of my heart, because the greatest desire of my heart would be to please Him. I went home that day and wrote this song.

As I think back about that time in my life, I realize that there was a huge battle going on for who and what would capture my heart. God does not want our money, our time, our “sacrifice”, our service, unless He has our hearts. He knows that if He has our hearts, all those other things will come along. That is why Jesus said that the greatest commandment is, “And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment.” (Mk. 12:30)

Regretfully, I cannot say I have always loved the Lord as I should, but I can say that I have always found His promise to be true. My Savior has never disappointed me, and there is no greater joy and delight than walking in His will.

I pray that you know Him, and that you know the sweetness of finding your heart’s desires satisfied in Him.

The Desire of My Heart

You promised, Lord, that You would give the desires of my heart
If I would delight in You.
So, Lord, I pray, help me stay
Close to You in every way,
Through every day,
Help me to obey.

Grant the desires of my heart,
Help me, Lord, to be,
Pleasing unto Thee
That others may see You in me.
Grant my desires,
Be my one desire,
The desire of my heart.

Lord, You know sometimes it seems that all my dreams have died,
That all my hopes and plans have disappeared.
But help me, Lord, Your peace to feel,
Help me, Lord, to trust You still,
Help me do Your will,
Lord, not my will.

Grant the desires of my heart,
Let me feel Your hand,
Help me understand
That You’ve had a plan from the start.
Grant my desires,
Be my one desire,
The desire of my heart.

Lord, be the desire of my heart.

© Copyright 1993. Niki Lott.

This song is recorded on the CD, How Can I Sing?, and the sheet music is available in the companion book, and as an individual PDF sheet music or download. There is also a Book & CD package available at a discount.
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New Songbook! Pre-Order Now Available

I am excited to announce the release of my latest songbook, How Can I Sing? ! This is the companion book to the CD with the same title. It includes 11 original songs, some arranged for solo and some for trio. All of the songs have full piano arrangements, and for the first time, chord symbols are also included. The books are spiral-bound.

The pre-order price for this week only is $10, plus shipping. I should receive the books on Wednesday and will begin shipping on Thursday or Friday. Retail price for these books will be $12.95.

I am also offering the Book & CD Package this week for only $20, plus shipping. Individually purchased, these items would total $27.90, so this is a significant savings. The package will retail for $24.95 after this week.

Song titles include:

Death Is Just a Shadow
The Desires of My Heart
Follow the Faith
Get On Fire 
Give Me Your Heart for Souls
How Can I Sing?
Let the Children Come
The Lord Is My Shepherd
Love the Savior
Revive Me, Lord
There Is a Peace

I hope this book will be a blessing to you!

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Making the Most of Our Mandate – 10 Tips for Keeping At Home

Did you know that one of the “good things” in the Bible that older women are commanded to teach the younger women is to be “keepers at home”? Titus 2:4-5 says, “That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.”

I find it very interesting that God specifically says, “keepers at home”, not just “keepers of the home” (although being keepers of our homes is part of our role), and God says that it is a good thing. Sadly, God’s “stay-at-home” mandate is just as unpopular with many women today as the recent “stay-at-home” mandates from our government officials. While we might be uncertain or even skeptical about whether our government has our best interests at heart in issuing such orders, we can be confident that God’s commands are always good and for our best.

With that in mind, I would like to take a few moments to encourage you to have the right perspective of “keeping at home”. Instead of viewing being at home as some type of forced detention, I challenge you to see it as a divine opportunity and make the most of it!

There is no doubt that even for those of us whose everyday lives are already centered in our homes, the circumstances surrounding this quarantine have disrupted much of the normalcy we may have had. For those who have abruptly been thrown into being at home all the time, it may understandably feel overwhelming.

Whatever the circumstances in which you currently find yourself, I would like to share a few suggestions to make these days profitable, joyful, and memorable (in a good way)! It is my hope that these ideas will not just help during this temporary time of quarantine but will be practical tips that will help each of us to be better “keepers at home” in days to come.

1. Start Your Day Right!

    * Get up. Get dressed. Get going.

This may be unpopular, but it is important! Do not spend half your day in bed. The Bible warns against this (Pro. 20:13). Get up early (Pro. 31:15). If you have children, do your best to get up before they do.

More unpopular advice here: do not ever spend the day in your pajamas unless you are sick. If you do not treat your role as the keeper of your home with respect, how can you expect anyone else to? Get up, make your bed, and put clothes on.

This doesn’t mean you have to be “dressed up” every day, but you should wear something appropriate for the work you will be doing. What you wear to bed is not appropriate for work. (By the way, you can look pretty and appropriate for working at the same time 😉.) If you dress “lazy”, it is easy to act lazy. Corporations, educators, and others in the professional world understand how much what we wear affects how we think, how we work, and how others perceive us. Why do we imagine it doesn’t matter? I encourage you to dress at home in a way that shows your husband and children that you love and respect them and that you take your job of caring for them seriously. What kind of unspoken message are we sending them if we only try to look “respectable” when others outside our home will see us?

Final question: How much different would our attitudes about homemaking be if we treated our role as keepers at home with the same passion, drive, diligence, and respect that we would a secular career?

    *Spend time with the Lord.

Make this the first priority of your day. Choose this priority and guard it carefully. If you have children, teach them to respect it. Don’t tell yourself that you don’t have time. We all make time to do what is important to us. When we say we don’t have time to read our Bibles and pray, we are saying that it is not important to us.

2. Set a Schedule. 

A schedule can be relaxed, it doesn’t have to be rigid, but it really helps to have some type of plan. If you don’t “rule your day”, your day will rule you. The Bible says that we are to “guide the house” (I Tim. 5:14). You are the manager of your home; manage. Remember, schedules and routines help reduce stress and provide stability and security for our families.

3. Adjust your attitude.

 This should begin in the morning (one of the reasons it’s important to get up and start the day with the Lord and have a plan in place before your children get up), but it requires continued work throughout the day. Some important attitude reminders:

    * You are the thermostat of your home. You set the mood and the overall attitude of the day.

    * Choose to be grateful. NO WHINING! This isn’t just for kids. Set the example in this area.

    * Choose to be positive. Trust the Lord and focus on His goodness.

    * Choose to be sweet and pleasant.

     * Choose to be in control of yourself.

There are many things we cannot control, yet we tend to let those things control us. Stop focusing on things and people over which you have no control. Pray about them and let them go. Instead, focus on things you are supposed to control, primarily yourself! Even better than self-control, seek Holy Spirit control! Ask the Lord to help you stay in control of the things He has placed in your realm of responsibility. These include your thoughts, your tongue, your temper, and your time. They also include training your children and taking care of your home. We will discuss several of these in more detail in the following tips.

4. Guard your mind. You must control your thoughts, and you need to do so biblically (II Cor. 10:4-5).

    * Avoid wrong influences. Don’t fill your mind with things that create insecurity, instability, or that are false or evil (I Thes. 5:22; I Pet. 2:11).

    *Fill your mind with good and godly things. (Phil. 4:8)

    *Memorize Scripture. Choose verses that deal with areas you are struggling or need encouragement.

    * Don’t dwell on possibilities, “what if” scenarios, fears, and disappointments. Constant thinking on those types of things will breed fear, anger, bitterness, and depression.

 * Don’t fill your mind with impossible fantasies and unrealistic expectations.

5. Love Your Husband.

It is easy, especially when things are stressful or a bit overwhelming, to lose sight of what really matters. If we are married, our relationship to our spouse is crucial. In the same passage where we are commanded to be keepers at home, we are also commanded to love our husbands (Tit. 2). I encourage you to look for ways to show love to your husband! Do a little brainstorming and then start implementing your ideas. I am going to offer just a few suggestions:

    * Tell him you love him. Say it. Write it. Show it. Be intentional!

    * Make his favorite meal.

    * Be encouraging! Stressful times are hard on our husbands as well as on us. We often expect our husbands to support and encourage us, but sometimes we don’t seek to do the same for them. Be your husband’s most loyal, loving, and encouraging supporter!

    * Be kind. Critical, nagging, hateful, demeaning, angry…none of us like those words, so we should seek to avoid those attitudes, especially toward our husbands.

    * Pray for him. Pray for your husband, but also pray for his wife! Ask the Lord to help you to be the wife your husband needs.

6. Direct Your Children.

Children left to themselves will probably choose the wrong things to do. They’re kids! Help them find good things to do to fill their time. Here are a few ideas:

    * Plan educational activities. You may be “schooling” in some form or fashion right now. If home school is not already your norm, don’t stress about it. Do the best you can. However, don’t be lazy about it either. Keeping your kid’s minds engaged and learning is important. Get it done in the morning as much as possible before moving on to other activities. By the way, many museums, zoos, art schools, and other places are offering free online resources at this time. Take advantage of some of this!

    * Plan fun activities – Games, puzzles, and skits are just a few ideas.

    *Plan creative activities – Try painting, coloring, crafts, building, and more.

    *Play outside as much as possible. Sunshine, fresh air, and exercise are good for them (and for you!). Even if they can’t get outside because of weather, try to find a way to help them be active indoors.

    *Learn/practice a skill – cooking, baking, music, laundry, sewing, woodworking…help your kids learn practical life skills. Give them opportunities to practice (and fail). Schedule regular practice times for music or other lessons.

    *Read GOOD books. Read to your children, and encourage them to read. We require at least 30 minutes a day of reading (on top of their regular schoolwork) as part of our schooling.

    *Serve others. Help your children find ways to be a help and blessing to others. Color pictures. Write letters, notes, or cards. Rake/mow a neighbor’s yard. Call a shut-in. Encourage them to think of things they can do!

    *Help with household chores. Teaching your children to work as part of your family team is good for them (and helps you!). This doesn’t mean dumping your workload on them. It does mean that they can and should learn to help carry the load. Responsibility is good for them.

7. Be Frugal.

Frugality is always a good plan, but with many people out of work, even temporarily, this point is very important. One of the ways you can help reduce stress for your family during this time is by being an excellent money manager. This will require planning and work for you (don’t ever be deceived into thinking that being a homemaker isn’t real work), but it will save you a great deal besides money. Wise planning and financial stewardship will save you time and stress in the future. Here are a few basic tips:

    * “Retail therapy” is a short-term fix that creates long-term problems. Don’t be sucked into unnecessary online purchases because you’re bored or anxious.

    * If you don’t have a budget, make one. Even a very simple, basic budget will help you to stay on track with your spending.

    * Plan your meals. Remember, three big meals a day really aren’t necessary. If you have a large family, many times a large breakfast, light lunch, and large dinner are much simpler and affordable than a “continental” type breakfast and a bigger lunch and dinner.

    * Plan your shopping. Don’t impulse buy. Make a list and stick to it.

    * Learn to use what you have on hand. Get creative! Pull out those recipe books and dig into your pantry and freezer. 😊 Re-purpose leftovers.

    * Look for ways to save on “non-essentials”. What part of your budget is spent (or wasted) on luxury items or things that aren’t necessities? Learn to get back to basics. Learn to cook “from scratch”. Not only will you save money on food, you will also save money on doctor bills. Processed foods are not usually healthy.

8. Simplify Your Life

Yes, it is good to have a plan, but don’t complicate your life. Most of us tend to go to one of two extremes when we’re under stress: we either let everything go or we try to micromanage and become control freaks. Neither is good! Use this time to simplify and streamline your normal routine and enjoy the time you have with your family. Take a walk. Watch a sunset. Enjoy doing simple things together. Because of the nature of the our temporary “confinement”, some of our lives have been simplified without our permission. Don’t complicate it just for the sake of being “busy”.

Also, when it comes to housework and homemaking, if you’re feeling overwhelmed start with the “BIG 3” each day:

  1. Make your bed right away each morning (and have each child make theirs). 
  2. Keep your dishes done and kitchen straightened. 
  3. Pick up clutter in each room throughout the day. Set a timer for 5 or 10 minutes and pick up and put away as quickly as you can. If you have kids, get them to help you. They love racing the clock!

By the way, most of these “life lessons” and ideas are things that my mom has taught me over the years. I’m so thankful for her patient investment in my life!

9. Spend Your Time Wisely.

* Don’t be idle. “She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness.” (Pro. 31:27) (Eccl. 10:18).

* Don’t be wasteful.

* Rest isn’t wasted time, but slothfulness is.

If you have not previously been home full-time, you may be realizing that when you are at home with your family all of the time being a full-time wife or mom quickly becomes a full-time job! When your house is filled with people 24 hours a day, you discover there are more meals to prepare, more laundry to do, and more housework to be done. No doubt, you may not have as much “free time” as you might have imagined; however, if you do some of the things mentioned already, you should have some extra time you would not otherwise have. How are you going to spend it? Here are a few suggestions:

    * Spend more time with the Lord. Do a new Bible study. Spend extra time in prayer. Memorize and meditate on Scripture.

    * Read GOOD books. This isn’t just for your children. Don’t waste your time. Read a missionary biography, a book that will help you spiritually, or a book that will encourage you to grow in an area where you’re needing some help. Choose carefully and use discernment. Just because someone writes a book doesn’t mean you should read it.

    * Finish a project you’ve been postponing. I CONSTANTLY have a list of projects that need finished or that I would like to tackle. This is a good time to start knocking a few of those out. A word to the wise: don’t overcommit. Choose one thing and finish it. When you’re done with that, you can move on to the next. Don’t commit your husband and family to completing every project you’ve ever wanted to do. Choose one for yourself (and enlist helpers if you can) and finish that one thing before moving on to something else.

    * Learn something new or improve something you’ve let go. Many places are offering online classes or lessons free of charge or at a greatly reduced price. Lots of resources are available right now that may not be available in the future. Want to learn to paint? Sew? Play an instrument? Make bread? Garden? Again, don’t overcommit. Choose ONE thing and work at it.

    * Serve others. For many of us, our ministry opportunities have been changed or limited during this time. You can still find ways to serve. Call a shut-in. Mail a card. Send an e-mail. Video chat with a lonely friend. All of these are good ways to serve. Never forget that our greatest avenue of service given by God is to our families through our homes. If we think we must leave our homes to serve the Lord, we need to get back in our Bibles. Take this time to look for extra ways to serve the people God has placed in your home (Pro. 31:20).

10. Be a Good Steward.

This is basically a recap of all of the previous points, but it is so important. Ask for God’s help to wisely steward your life.

No matter how long this quarantine lasts (and none of us really knows), the time is going to pass. At the end of these days, we will look back and see days wasted in worry or idleness, or we will see days spent wisely. We will look back and see time spent complaining about what we are losing or time spent cherishing what we have been given.

This principle holds true for all the time we spend, but perhaps this “mandated” period will cause each of us to stop and reevaluate our priorities, our values, and ourselves. I hope that it will help us to realize what is truly important, to deepen our relationships with God and those we love, to cherish the privileges we’ve been given, and to steward wisely the precious resources God has entrusted to our care.

© Copyright 2020 Niki Lott.

Want a printable copy? Download the PDF here. For personal use only.

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How Can I Sing? – New Sheet Music & Video

Several years ago, I heard a message preached on Psalm 137. It stirred my heart and got me to thinking of how difficult it can be to “sing the Lord’s song in a strange land”.

We know that the exile in Babylon was due to the sin of the nation of Judah, but not every individual who was taken to Babylon, or who was born there during the captivity, was directly responsible for their captivity. There were people like Daniel, Ezekiel, Mordecai, Esther, Nehemiah, and others who were godly people suffering because of the sin of others.

I can imagine that these who sought to remain true to the Lord even in the land of Babylon faced quite a bit of mocking and scorn, not only from the Babylonians, but from their own people who were not faithful to the Lord. It was from those thoughts and others from Scripture that this song came to be.

There is no doubt that sometimes our sorrow and suffering is the result of our own sin. There is also no doubt that sometimes sorrow and suffering is just the result of living in a sin-cursed world.

How can we sing the Lord’s song when we are in the midst of difficult, painful circumstances? Can we learn, as Paul and Silas did, to sing in the midst of our “captivity”? This song asks and answers those questions.

Although this song begins in a minor, and expresses a great deal of the sadness and sorrow we can experience, it is a song of hope and faith. I hope that it will encourage many to trust in the Lord, not just after a trial, but in the midst on one.

The sheet music is now available. It is arranged as a solo with piano accompaniment, and can be purchased as printed sheet music or as a digital PDF download. Just select “digital” from the drop-down menu to select the PDF download.
How Can I Sing? Sheet Music Cover Image

How Can I Sing is also the title song of my latest CD. You can purchase it here.



My harp hangs here in the willow tree by the riverside.
And the memories bring weeping that I cannot hide. 
The enemy says mockingly, “Why don’t you sing a song?”
And in despair I think of how it has been so long.
How can I sing Jehovah’s song while I’m here in Babylon?

How can I sing when I’m in a place that I did not choose?
How can I sing with a broken heart and a mind confused?
My thoughts are filled with shattered dreams and hopes left unfulfilled.
How can this be what has come to me if I’m in His will?
How can I sing Jehovah’s song while this pain is what I feel?

How can I sing that the Lord I serve is a God who saves?
Of deliverance and freedom when I am a slave?
How can I sing of joy and peace while I cry bitter tears?
How can I sing of confidence when I’m filled with fears?
How can I sing Jehovah’s song when it seems He is not near?

By faith I’ll sing that my God gives peace in the midst of fears!
And I will sing that my Lord gives joy in the midst of tears.
And I will sing for my spirit’s free although I’m in captivity.
And I will sing, for I know His plans are best for me.
Yes, I will sing Jehovah’s song while I’m here in Babylon.

Copyright 2013 Niki Lott.

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New Products! – Sheet Music, CD, Books & More

I am excited to announce the arrival of several new products on the website!

My latest CD, How Can I Sing, is now available to order. Quantity discounts are available, and music makes a great Christmas gift! It is also available to download or stream on most digital platforms, including Amazon Music, Google Play, Apple Music/iTunes, You Tube Music, and Spotify.

The sheet music for all of the songs on How Can I Sing is available as well, with the exception of the title song. I am working on that one, and hope to have it online soon. Once it is completed, I will send the compilation to a printer, and it will be available in book form as well.

One of the songs from the CD that has not been published previously is now available on the website. It is called Let the Children Come. It is a song about the importance of seeing children come to Christ. I will share more of the background of that song in a post next week.

I am also very excited to have my new Bible study available and in stock on my website. It is entitled The Classroom of Contentment. It is a personal Bible study book, with optional Teacher Resources in the back of the book. There is a separate Student Book available for those who wish to use the study in a group or class. If you want to order both books to see if they would be a good fit for your class or Bible study, order this preview package at a substantial discount. Both books are also available on Amazon.

Finally, I recently added the choral version of an old favorite, He Gave Himself, to the online store. Arranged for solo with choir, this is a powerful song that is appropriate for Christmas or any time of the year.

If you order now through November 30, use coupon code: THANKS to receive a 15% discount.

By the way, did you know that you can purchase digital gift certificates on Christian Compositions? They can be purchased in any amount, and can be emailed directly to the recipient with a personalized message.

If you aren’t already doing so, please follow my page on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram for regular updates, encouraging posts, and exciting giveaways and discounts!

Have a blessed Thanksgiving!

Niki Lott


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New CD! Pre-orders Available Now

Dear Friends,

The end of summer was incredibly busy for our family and ministry. We have had a very full ministry schedule, and are currently traveling in the northwest for almost two months. We are also working hard at school with our children in 5th and 6th grades this year.

I am excited to announce the release of my latest recording, How Can I Sing! I had the opportunity to record again at Faith Music Missions, and was blessed and impressed as always with their kindness, professionalism, and excellence.

This recording includes a few classic songs, as well as many new titles. There are eleven songs in all. All but one are currently available as sheet music on the web site, and that one will be available soon. There will also be a companion book coming in the near future!

You can pre-order the CD this week (9/24-10/2) and receive FREE SHIPPING. Orders will begin shipping next week. Order your copies today!

Please pray with me that this CD will be used by the Lord to be a blessing and encouragement to many. Preview the CD here:

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