Christian Compositions - Conservative Christian Music


New Book! I Will Hope

I am very excited to have this project completed and available for purchase! This book contains two solos, one duet, and seven trio arrangements. All of these arrangements have a full piano accompaniment with them. The book is spiral-bound, which makes it easier to use for pianists and vocalists.

The books are on their way to my house from the printer, and will be here on Monday, 8/26. Pre-ordering is open now, and if you use the coupon code: EARLY (case-sensitive) you can get a $3 discount. Books will be shipped after they arrive. ORDER HERE!

This book is also available as a PDF download. The coupon code will not apply to this option because the PDF option is already discounted. There are quantity discounts available as well.

The song titles in this book are:

  • I Will Hope
  • A Corn of Wheat
  • Serve God
  • The Rock of Ages
  • Refreshing Grace
  • Jesus, My King
  • Transformed
  • Cast Your Cares on Jesus
  • Let Me See You
  • That I May Know Him

I will be doing some feature posts in the coming days giving a little insight into each of these songs. Overall, this project is one that points to Christ as our answer. He is our hope, our purpose, our comfort in suffering and trials, our Rock, our King, our salvation, our focus, and our life. Knowing Him, trusting Him, glorifying Him, and pleasing Him should be the greatest desire and honor of our lives.

It is my hope that these songs will be an encouragement and a blessing to you and those you have an opportunity to share them with.

Follow me on Facebook (@ChristianComposition) or on Instagram (@lottsofmusic) for updates, devotional thoughts, and an opportunity to win a free copy of my new book!

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