I am just the messenger. I have been entrusted with the most valuable and urgent of messages, the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
It is not my responsibility to be certain that the recipient likes the message, agrees with the message, nor responds to the message. I cannot avoid giving the message because I fear it may be rejected. I cannot fail to deliver it because I am unsure if it will be well-received. My success or failure is not found in the responses of those to whom I deliver the message, simply in whether or not I deliver it. I am just the messenger.
I have no right to change the message to make it agreeable, or acceptable. I have no right to alter any terms, nor to offer any promises or assurances not stated therein. I have no right to insert my own opinions, ideas, or views. I do not need to “pretty it up”, nor “water it down”. I am just the messenger.
I must deliver this message clearly, concisely, consistently. I must speak it fully and faithfully. I must recognize its urgency, and act accordingly. I must convey it honestly and honorably. I must not be distracted, deterred, or delayed. I must not fall into wickedness, falter when I am weak, nor faint when I am weary. I must stand firmly, walk circumspectly, and run patiently. It must not be of any consequence to me the location to which I am assigned, the language in which I must speak, nor the length of time which is required to deliver it. I am just the messenger.
I am to deliver the message I have been given, by the method I am instructed, for the purpose it is intended. It isn’t my message; it is His. It isn’t my method; it is His. It isn’t my mission; it is His. I should have no motives, other than to fulfill His will. I should seek no honor if it is accepted, nor feel shame if it is refused. I am just the messenger.
It is an honor to do His work. It is a privilege to be commissioned to deliver such an important message. If it is rejected, I should not be surprised. He was rejected. If it is scorned, I should not be shocked. He was scorned. If it is mocked, and I am mocked along with it, I should bear it gladly, knowing it is not for my sake, but for His. Will I be despised for bearing His message? If I bear it faithfully, it is certain that I will be despised by many. Will I be misunderstood? Falsely accused? Counted a fool? Doubtless I will. But there will be some who will receive it gladly. There will be some who will be eternally grateful. There will be some who will be encouraged. There will be some who will join the ranks, and gladly take up the message themselves.
And one day, when I stand before the Lord Jesus Christ to give account, I hope I will hear Him say, “Well done, good and faithful servant. Enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.” With grateful heart, I will kneel before Him and praise Him for His goodness, His grace, His Gospel, His unspeakable gift, knowing I am worthy of nothing, for I am just the messenger.
“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.” (Rom. 1:16)
“…as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!” (Rom. 10:15)