Christian Compositions - Conservative Christian Music


I Am But One

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the needs of others, and feel there is no way you can do anything of consequence to help because you are only one person? Do you ever feel frustrated by the enormity of the world and the evil it contains, and feel powerless to change it? Do you ever feel that your voice is drowned out by the many who are louder, stronger, more prominent?

This poem addresses those feelings. By the grace and power of God, even though we are only one person, we can accomplish His will for our lives. In the end, that’s all that matters.

Don’t listen to the voices of those who tell you that your voice doesn’t matter. It does matter if you are using it for the Lord. Don’t listen to the deceiver who tells you that your giving, your labor, your sacrifices are in vain. Remember, He who saw the widow’s mite, and multiplied a lad’s loaves and fishes will take what we give Him and accomplish much for His glory.

I Am But One

I am but one, my voice is small,
My choices matter not at all
To anyone but me.

I am but one, I often think,
And from the battle fearful shrink
Lest I should wounded be.

I am but one, I tell myself
And sometimes hesitate to help
The helpless on life’s way.

I am but one, what can I do
When needs are great, resources few,
To reach the world today?

I am but one, I cannot change
The hearts astray, the ties estranged,
But I know One who can.

I am but one, and I can pray,
Can seek God’s face both night and day
Entrust them to His hands.

I am but one, but I can speak
To cheer the hopeless, help the weak
To tell them of the Light.

I am but one, but I can stand,
And fight the battle, lend a hand
To others in the fight.

I am but one, but not alone,
Because of Him whose name is known
As Jesus Christ, God’s Son.

I am but one, and I can share
The Good News that Christ came to bear
The sins of everyone.

I am but one, and I’ll not shirk
To give my all unto His work
Until my race is run.

I am but one, and life flies by.
I’ll seek to live so when I die
I’ll hear Him say, “Well done.”

~N. L.

© Copyright 2016


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2 Responses to I Am But One

  1. Julia Greener says:

    Beautiful ❤ Great thoughts

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