Christian Compositions - Conservative Christian Music


Featured Song – “The Desire of My Heart”

Throughout this week and next, I want to share a little bit about each of the songs in my new songbook. Some of these are songs I wrote many years ago, and some are much more recent. As I look back, I find in each song a truth the Lord has tried to teach me, and has used to challenge, comfort, or encourage me. It is my hope that these songs will do the same for you.

This first song is one of my earliest. I wrote this when I was 17 or 18 years old, and it is still a favorite of mine.

I have loved Psalm 37:4 since I was just a little girl. When I was a teenager, I began to really consider what it meant. I was struggling with what I thought my heart desired, and what I knew God wanted for me. How could those be different? Didn’t God promise to give me my heart’s desires?

One day, it hit me that this verse didn’t mean that if I would do right God would give me whatever I wanted. Rather, it meant that if I would learn to find my delight in God, I would have my heart’s desires. When you truly love and delight in someone, you have no greater desire than to please them. I realized that if I would delight myself in the Lord, He would give me the desires of my heart, because the greatest desire of my heart would be to please Him. I went home that day and wrote this song.

As I think back about that time in my life, I realize that there was a huge battle going on for who and what would capture my heart. God does not want our money, our time, our “sacrifice”, our service, unless He has our hearts. He knows that if He has our hearts, all those other things will come along. That is why Jesus said that the greatest commandment is, “And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment.” (Mk. 12:30)

Regretfully, I cannot say I have always loved the Lord as I should, but I can say that I have always found His promise to be true. My Savior has never disappointed me, and there is no greater joy and delight than walking in His will.

I pray that you know Him, and that you know the sweetness of finding your heart’s desires satisfied in Him.

The Desire of My Heart

You promised, Lord, that You would give the desires of my heart
If I would delight in You.
So, Lord, I pray, help me stay
Close to You in every way,
Through every day,
Help me to obey.

Grant the desires of my heart,
Help me, Lord, to be,
Pleasing unto Thee
That others may see You in me.
Grant my desires,
Be my one desire,
The desire of my heart.

Lord, You know sometimes it seems that all my dreams have died,
That all my hopes and plans have disappeared.
But help me, Lord, Your peace to feel,
Help me, Lord, to trust You still,
Help me do Your will,
Lord, not my will.

Grant the desires of my heart,
Let me feel Your hand,
Help me understand
That You’ve had a plan from the start.
Grant my desires,
Be my one desire,
The desire of my heart.

Lord, be the desire of my heart.

© Copyright 1993. Niki Lott.

This song is recorded on the CD, How Can I Sing?, and the sheet music is available in the companion book, and as an individual PDF sheet music or download. There is also a Book & CD package available at a discount.
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2 Responses to Featured Song – “The Desire of My Heart”

  1. neil richard glanvillr says:


    i am having this struggle

    not sure how it looks to desire God with all my heart – just stop working and read the Bible and pray all waking hours?

    • Niki Lott says:

      I don’t think you would have to stop working in order to desire the Lord. I would encourage you to pray and ask God to increase your desire for Him. “For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.”
      ‭‭Philippians‬ ‭2‬:‭13‬ ‭KJV‬‬

      Definitely read your Bible daily, and stay tender to obey as God brings things to your attention.

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