Christian Compositions - Conservative Christian Music


Spring Semester Begins in One Week!

The Spring 2025 Semester of The School of Biblical Womanhood begins on Thursday, January 16. We will be offering two classes.

Our Bible study class this semester will be on “The Heart of a Handmaid: The Biblical Model for Women’s Ministry”. This will be helpful for any woman but may be especially beneficial for those who are preparing to be, or are currently serving as, pastor’s wives, missionaries – single or married – or other similar roles.

Our practical class will be on “The Blessing of Biblical Motherhood, Part 2″. We will be dealing with biblical principles and practical wisdom for parenting children from infancy to adulthood.


The Bible study class may be taken as a unit by itself, or in conjunction with the practical class.

Both classes can be taken in-person (Butler, PA) or online. Online students can watch and participate live or can watch the replays.

For more information and to register, go to

Note: If you are currently in full-time ministry (pastor’s wife, assistant pastor’s wife, missionary, etc.), use coupon code: MINISTRY2025 for a 20% discount.

If you wish to sign up with family members or friends, use coupon code GROUP15BIBLE if you wish to do only the Bible study, or GROUP15 if you are signing up for both classes, and receive a 15% discount. You must be registering for two or more people for these codes to work. Also, you will need to message me by email or on social media with the names and email addresses of everyone in your group so that I can get them added to our class platform (Canvas).

Installment options are available, three payments of $25 for the full semester. There is a $5 charge for this option, and coupon codes will not apply.

If you plan to sign up, please do so as soon as possible (by 1/13 if you can) so I can get everyone enrolled to the class and ready to participate before January 16.

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New Book! I Will Hope

I am very excited to have this project completed and available for purchase! This book contains two solos, one duet, and seven trio arrangements. All of these arrangements have a full piano accompaniment with them. The book is spiral-bound, which makes it easier to use for pianists and vocalists.

The books are on their way to my house from the printer, and will be here on Monday, 8/26. Pre-ordering is open now, and if you use the coupon code: EARLY (case-sensitive) you can get a $3 discount. Books will be shipped after they arrive. ORDER HERE!

This book is also available as a PDF download. The coupon code will not apply to this option because the PDF option is already discounted. There are quantity discounts available as well.

The song titles in this book are:

  • I Will Hope
  • A Corn of Wheat
  • Serve God
  • The Rock of Ages
  • Refreshing Grace
  • Jesus, My King
  • Transformed
  • Cast Your Cares on Jesus
  • Let Me See You
  • That I May Know Him

I will be doing some feature posts in the coming days giving a little insight into each of these songs. Overall, this project is one that points to Christ as our answer. He is our hope, our purpose, our comfort in suffering and trials, our Rock, our King, our salvation, our focus, and our life. Knowing Him, trusting Him, glorifying Him, and pleasing Him should be the greatest desire and honor of our lives.

It is my hope that these songs will be an encouragement and a blessing to you and those you have an opportunity to share them with.

Follow me on Facebook (@ChristianComposition) or on Instagram (@lottsofmusic) for updates, devotional thoughts, and an opportunity to win a free copy of my new book!

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10 Questions You Should Be Asking About Women Bible Teachers

Ladies, are you careful about those you allow to teach and influence you, especially if they are saying they teach the Bible? We should be. The Bible cautions us to beware of “false teachers” and deception. If we want to wisely discern, here are 10 questions we should ask before reading, or following, a woman who claims to teach the Bible:

  1. What is her salvation testimony?
  2. Does she faithfully attend a local church?
  3. If so, what type of church is it, and what doctrines does she believe?
  4. Does she meet the qualifications given in Titus 2:1-3?
  5. Does she believe that biblical truths are relevant today?
  6. Does she acknowledge and support biblical limitations and prohibitions (example: woman are not to be pastors or teachers of men in the church)?
  7. Does she model and mentor biblical commands and instructions for women, or mock them (in areas like submission, modesty, discretion, and chastity as seen in Eph. 5, I Tim. 2, Tit. 2, and I Peter 3)?
  8. What is her attitude toward authority, especially the authority of the Bible, her husband, and the local church?
  9. Does she teach the topics that God has instructed her to teach (see Tit. 2)? While the Bible does not prohibit ladies from teaching on other biblical topics, we are commanded to teach on these topics in Titus 2. If we avoid them or refuse to address them because they are uncomfortable, or because we don’t believe them, we are not being obedient to the Lord.
  10. Is her teaching based primarily on popular opinion and personal emotions and experiences, or on the principles and precepts of the Word of God?

No matter how educated, popular, or relatable a person may be, if their teachings are not based on faith in the Word of God, then we should avoid them.

‭‭(Pro.‬ ‭19‬:‭27‬; Rom. 16:17-18; II Peter 2:1-3; I Tim. 4:7; II Tim. 3:13-17; Rev. 2:20-22)

Download a free printable copy of this list here.

© Copyright 2023 Niki Lott

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School of Biblical Womanhood – Fall Semester

Last year, I started The School of Biblical Womanhood as an avenue for teaching and training the ladies, especially the younger women, in our church and local area. After many requests and much prayer, I decided to make it available online as well. These classes met once a week and included Bible teaching as well as practical instruction. In the first two semesters, we studied “Foundations of Biblical Womanhood” and “The Pattern of Biblical Womanhood” in our Bible study. This included topics like wisdom, virtue, the authority of the Word of God, discretion, and much more. In our practical classes, we learned cooking and baking, meal planning, hospitality, kitchen organization and decor, and sewing.

This week, we will begin our fall semester. The theme is “Keepers of Biblical Womanhood”. Our Bible study is going to cover topics like: keeping the faith, keeping our hearts, keeping our homes, keeping our temples, and more. In the practical classes, we are going to be learning topics including: keeping our homes – caring for, decorating, and managing our homes well, managing our time, managing money, and health and nutrition.

These classes are open to ladies who are in high school or older. For those in high school, the practical classes can be counted for school credit if completed successfully. The cost for the entire course (three hours weekly of classes) is $100. This can be paid in full at the beginning, or you can register for $25, and pay the balance in monthly installments.

The Bible study can be done with or without participating in the practical classes. Online classes can be watched live on Thursday evenings or can be accessed later for playback. The study will include 15 weeks of lessons and will have printable handouts each week. Additional study assignments will also be available if you want to study further. The cost for the Bible study only is $25.


If you are interested, but not sure about committing, I am offering a free trial if you sign up by Thursday.

There is no commitment and no cancellation required. Simply sign up on the “Free Trial” page with your email address, and you will be sent instructions to join this week’s class. After that, if you decide to continue, you will just need to pay the registration fee by August 24.

If you have questions, check out the FAQ page, or feel free to contact me for more information.


Note: If you are interested in a family, group, or missionary discount, please contact me. I would love to help!

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Hymnplaying Seminar

I invite you to join me for a Hymnplaying Seminar!

Congregational hymnplaying is a wonderful asset in a church and is becoming a bit of a lost art. While you can often find piano lessons for classical training, finding a teacher who can instruct you in improvising and congregational hymnplaying techniques can be difficult, if not impossible!

Growing up, I was blessed with wonderful teachers who helped me learn to play for church, and I have a great desire to help and encourage those who want to play the piano in church and use their talents to serve the Lord. I am limited in how many private lessons I am able to teach, but a seminar like this can pack hours of instruction into just one day. While it will be a lot of information, a printed workbook, projects to take home, and videos to go back and review later will make this a valuable resource.

When? Saturday, July 15, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Where? New Testament Baptist Church, 437 N. Duffy Rd., Butler, PA will be the location for the in-person seminar. It will also be available online (more details below).

How Much? The seminar is $100. This includes a workbook, five hours of instruction, and lunch (for those attending in-person). There is a 10% Early Bird Discount for those who register by June 15. There are also group discounts for those who may be coming as a family or with friends. Missionaries can contact me for special rates! Email me at, or send me a message on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.

NOTE: Because we are providing lunch for those who attend the seminar, the deadline to register at the regular price is July 8. After that date, the price for the in-person registration will increase by $10.

Registration: Go to to register for the seminar. Please click the correct product (in-person or virtual) and add to cart. If you are registering for a group, the discount will be calculated based on the number of registrations you choose. The Early Bird Discount will be automatically added to your cart if you register by June 15.

How will I participate in the virtual seminar? The virtual seminar will be hosted in a private Facebook group. The sessions will be live that day, and will be available to watch in the group later. If you do not have a Facebook account, you will not be able to watch live, but the sessions will be uploaded to YouTube and you will be sent links to watch the following week.

The workbook will be available as a PDF download which you can print.

Those who attend the in-person sessions will also be added to the Facebook group (if they have a Facebook account), and will be sent the YouTube links following the seminar.

How much piano do I need to know to attend? You need to have some basic knowledge of piano playing for the seminar to be helpful to you. With that being said, there will be helps for those who read music and for those who play by ear.

What topics will be covered ? This is not a complete list, but sessions will include:

  • Basic music fundamentals that are vital for hymnplaying
  • How to make your practice time more effective
  • How to “improvise” from the hymnal
  • Left hand accompaniment techniques
  • How to handle different time signatures
  • Creating and playing beautiful preludes
  • Accompanying choirs and special music
  • Tips for effective offertories
  • Responsibilities of a church pianist
  • And much more!

Should I attend in-person or online? For those who live a great distance away, online is an option that will make this available for you; however, if you are able to attend in-person, I think it will be a better experience. It is easier to see, ask questions, and participate if you are at the event. In-person space is limited, so if you plan to come, please register as soon as possible.

What if I register for in-person or virtual and then change my mind? If you register for one and decide to participate in the other, there is no change fee, but I do ask that you let me know at least a week in advance if possible. Because my space is limited at the church, and I am planning to provide lunch, I need an accurate count of who will be attending in-person.

Is the registration refundable? Because the sessions will be available online, the registration is non-refundable. If you cannot attend in-person, you will be able to watch the sessions later.

If you have further questions, please let me know!

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Piano Offertory Recommendations

I often get requests for recommendations for offertory or special instrumental books. I am going to share a few posts about this, since there are a lot of options out there.

This post will be specifically for moderate/intermediate/early advanced pianists. I may add a second post for this level at a later time.

Before I give you my recommendations, let me share a few things that are good guidelines for offertories. These aren’t hard and fast rules, but I believe they will be helpful to you and your church.

1. Choose an offertory that is familiar.

While not everyone is going to know every song, it is good to select songs that will be familiar to most. This allows them to “sing along” in their minds with you, and helps to keep the music directed to the Lord and not just become a time filler or musical performance. Along those same lines, it can be good to have variations of a song (a minor verse or change in timing for a verse or chorus), but if the arrangement is so different from the original song that it is not recognizable to most people, it is not usually something I choose.

2. Choose a song that you can play skillfully.

It is always better to play something simple well than to play something difficult poorly. Simple arrangements can be beautiful if they are played with skill and musicality. Don’t aim to impress; aim to bless.

3. Choose an arrangement that is not too long.

An appropriate length will vary depending on how large your church is, how they take up the offering (do they pass the plate down every row, or simply pause for those who wish to give), and other factors. While it is acceptable to go a little bit past the time the ushers take to finish, this is not the time to play a concert. If the offering time takes one minute, and you are playing for five minutes, that is probably too long. In my church, I try to keep most of my offertories to a maximum of three minutes. This means sometimes editing pieces to make them work for me.

With that being said, here are some of my favorite books for moderate to early advanced difficulty. This is not a blanket endorsement of every song, and I will try to mention any caveats I may have. I look for arrangements that are creative and beautiful, but that keep the melody line clear and are not “rocky” or heavily syncopated.

Joyful Melodies by Jennifer Hall

This series is good from beginner to moderate, but Book 4 is very nice for simple, but pretty, arrangements.

Playing Piano Praises, Vol. 3 by Glenn and Jan Christianson

I enjoy anything arranged by the Christiansons. They do an excellent job, and have helped me with many of my arrangements. (Side note: if you have written music and are looking for someone to transcribe it for you, you should contact them! They offer a lot of wonderful resources and services.)

Songs of Promise by Cindy Berry

I really enjoy this book! My copy is well-worn. There are a couple arrangements that I don’t play as often because they are not very familiar, but overall, this is a great book. I think there is one arrangement that is a little more “swing” than I am comfortable playing, but overall this is a solid book. The arrangements are not difficult, but are very pretty. It is a bit expensive (maybe because it is older), but is a solid choice.

To God Be the Glory

This book by Stan Pethel is another gem. These arrangements are not too long, are all familiar songs by Fanny Crosby. I think there is only one in this book that I don’t play.

Face to Face by Roger House

This one is a bit harder to find, but would be worth buying used. My favorite things about this book are that the arrangements are only 2-3 pages, but have a lot of interesting chords. He does tend toward some jazzy chording, so I don’t use all of the songs, but enjoy most of them. Another similar book entitled, Heart to Heart, also has some good arrangements.

There are a lot of other good books out there, but these are a few of my favorites. I will update and add to this list if I come across more.

Who are some of your favorite arrangers? I’d love to hear from you!


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Chorus Download Package

Choruses can be a powerful and effective tool for a church music ministry. While there has been a rise in recent years of choruses that are shallow or contemporary in nature, that should not cause us to ignore the benefits that sound, doctrinal choruses can have.

Because they are not lengthy songs, choruses are easy to teach and easy to learn. They are a wonderful way to rehearse simple truths in a way that is enjoyable and memorable.

We have used choruses for many years in our church. Here are some of the ways we have used them:

  • Choir Openers
  • Special Meetings – revivals, missions conferences, etc.
  • Children’s/Youth Ministry
  • Church Theme Emphasis
  • Congregational Singing

I have written many choruses for our church or other ministries over the years. Many of these are available individually on the website. I have decided to also offer them bundled together as a download package. This package includes two brand new choruses! This will be a more affordable option for those who would like to have all of the choruses.

Titles included in this package are:

  • Fishers of Men
  • For Such a Time As This
  • He Sent His Word
  • House to House
  • Intervene
  • Live for What’s Certain
  • My Strength and My Song
  • Someone Is Counting On You
  • Sowing Bountifully
  • Transformed
  • Turn Back to the Bible
  • Unto Him Be Glory In the Church

If you are interested in multiple copies of an individual chorus, or of the package itself, for use with a choir or congregation, please contact me directly for licensing and quantity discount information at

Order your Chorus Download Package today!

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New Song – That I May Know Him

I was asked a few weeks ago if I would consider writing a song on the phrase, “That I May Know Him.”  This is from a beautiful, and familiar, passage of Scripture.

“But what things were gain to me,
those I counted loss for Christ.
Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss
for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord:
for whom I have suffered the loss of all things,
and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ,
And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness,
which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith:
That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection,
and the fellowship of his sufferings,
being made conformable unto his death;”
(Phil. 2:7-10)

I began to read this passage and the surrounding chapters, and to pray about writing a song on this thought. What an amazing privilege we have to know Christ! Paul, through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, so eloquently expressed his greatest desire and aspiration – to know Christ more fully. Everything else in his life paled in comparison.

We see in Philippians chapter two that Jesus Christ was willing to humble Himself, to be a man, to be a servant, to be our sacrifice. Why? That I may know Him.

In chapter three, we see that Paul, because of all that Christ had done for him, was also willing to lay aside his previous attainments, his personal aspirations and desires, even his freedoms and comforts. Why? In his words, “That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death.”

I have tried to convey, in musical form, these thoughts. The hymn-style sheet music is now available.

I pray that this song will encourage each of us to consider all that Christ has done for us, and to desire, as Paul did, “that I may know Him.”

Why did Christ Jesus, who is God,
Take on the form of man?
Become a humble servant,
And fulfill the Father’s plan?
Why would He suffer agony,
For sins He had not done?
Why did He die upon the cross,
Although He was God’s Son?

That I may know Him,
And His resurrection power,
The fellowship found at His side
In suffering’s darkest hour.
To be conformed unto His death,
To love and serve Him with each breath,
There is no greater honor I might win,
That I may know Him.

No other prizes I may gain
Compare unto His cross,
The other things I may attain,
I count them all as loss
There is no higher calling
To which I may aspire,
I follow after this one thing,
It is my heart’s desire.

That I may know Him,
And His resurrection power,
The fellowship found at His side
In suffering’s darkest hour.
To be conformed unto His death,
To love and serve Him with each breath,
There is no greater honor I might win,
That I may know Him.

© Copyright 2020 Niki Lott.

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New Year’s Sale & Gift!

As 2020 draws to a close, I want to say “thank you” to each of you who have supported Christian Compositions through the past year. While it has been a difficult year for many people in numerous ways, it has also been a year in which we have been able to see God’s faithfulness and love no matter the circumstances.

As a small way of showing my appreciation for you, I am offering a 25% off discount on everything in the store. Simply use coupon code: newyear as you checkout. This discount expires 1/3/21.

I am also giving away a free sheet music download! This offer is good only through 1/1/21. I chose this song, One Moment In Eternity, as the giveaway because I think it is very appropriate as we consider the approaching year. It is available as a solo or trio arrangement, so you can choose whichever best suits your needs.

Please Note: If you do not follow the links in this post, and are shopping from the website, you must click on the song title and go to the page for that song to get the free download. There will be a “Login for Free Download” button on the page for the song. It will not work if you “add to cart” from the main page. You will not need to enter any credit card info (unless you are ordering additional items) to receive the download. Simply log into your account, or create a new account with your e-mail address, when prompted. 

I pray that as we enter 2021, it will be with hearts that desire to grow in our faith and love for the Lord! God bless you.

Niki Lott

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Psalm 100 Mini Challenge

The Psalm 100 Mini-Challenge
7 Days to a More Thankful Heart

This time of year encourages us to stop and think a little more about being thankful, and that is a good thing, but we all know that thankfulness should be more than something we do a few days of the year, or even one month of the year. If you’re like me, unless you make a conscious commitment and effort, it’s easy to have good intentions that never translate into good actions. You may also be like me if you sometimes feel a little discouraged or even overwhelmed when it comes to trying to take practical action on those good intentions. That is why I’m sharing this mini-challenge. Small, practical steps help us to achieve our goals. If your goal is to be truly thankful, from your heart, then I hope this will help!

Psalm 100 is very short, but is packed full of truths we need, and instructions to heed. This challenge is designed to help us take a few moments each day during this week to consciously cultivate a heart of gratitude and thankfulness toward God, and to encourage us to let that resonate in and through our lips and lives.

Will you join me as we take a deeper look at this beautiful psalm and seek to incorporate its wisdom into our lives?  All you will need is your Bible, a notebook, a pen, and a heart that is willing to seek the Lord.

4 Simple Steps:

  1. Read Psalm 100 daily.
  2. Copy it at least once daily (this should take about 5-10 minutes).
  3. Commit it to memory. Does this seem like a big step? Read it out loud, copy it, and start with memorizing one verse at a time.
  4. Each day choose one of these steps:
  • Write down an action word/phrase in the Psalm:
    Example: Serve the Lord
    What one thing can I do today to show my gratitude to God?
  • Write down an attitude word/phrase in the Psalm:
    Example: with gladness
    Am I serving the Lord with gladness? How can I do that?

  • Write down something this passage teaches about God. Take the time to think about what that means. Thank Him for who He is.
    Example: The Lord is good (vs. 5)
  • Write down a specific way to act on these truths. Choose something to do today, and make a commitment to do it.

Don’t forget to pray and ask the Lord to help you as you seek to know Him and praise Him for His goodness. I will be sharing some of my thoughts and study suggestions as I work on this challenge. You can find my thoughts and share yours in the LIFT Bible Class, or on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter with the hashtag #Psalm100Challenge. I would love to have you join me!

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